

““His Sword Upon His Thigh.””

Categories: Daily Living, Expository Study, Jesus Christ, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Salvation, Solomon, Song, Song of Solomon

            This title may seem odd in a study of Solomon’s song. It goes without saying that the discussion of true love, and the attraction two people have when in love, is inherent in this song. In the midst of this song, however, a phrase jumped out at me. Perhaps it is because the subject of true love and marriage is emphasized that this phrase stood out. In the midst of what men have called the “wedding procession,” it is stated that, “... the valiant of Israel. They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night” (Song of Sol. 3:7-8).

            In context, we see the imagery of a king and his “mighty men” (think: “Secret service”) who serve the king and protect him. They are set to protect a bride. They are trained for war, their swords were ready, and they stand to protect the king against “fear in the night.”

As I read this passage and thought about what was being said, my mind went to Psalm 23:4-5. Here, David said that the “rod and staff” of God comforted him. He said he could walk through “the valley of the shadow of death” and “fear no evil” so long as he knew God was there and with him. Please understand, I am not writing this as if to say these passages contradict or that Solomon trusted his army more than God’s. My thoughts go to a contrast between two images.

An army with swords, shields, and the like is impressive. Even today, the U.S.military is impressive with its guns, helicopters, jets, tanks, bombs, and the like. Much damage can be done with these weapons. Also, many lives have been saved by the work of our military. No doubt, Solomon’s military was an impressive sight as well (I Kings 4:26, 10:16-17, 22; II Chron. 9:25, etc.). Yet, when we contrast Solomon’s (or America’s) military with the power of God to protect and save, it is nothing (Ps. 20:7; Isa. 31:1, 3)! 

            Psalm 91 records David’s psalm about the might of God. He said that he trusted in God and His might and thus was not afraid. The Hebrew writer encouraged this same kind of bravery for his readers. He said, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Heb. 13:5-6).

            While we recognize that men’s weapons have a place on this earth, let us never forget that God wields the greatest power! He is stronger than all, and He will protect when all of man’s weapons fail! If you are not sure of this, then talk to the three Hebrews who walked in the midst of the fire (Den. 3). Talk to Daniel himself, who spent the night in the lion’s den unharmed by the beasts (Dan. 6). Study the lives of other Old Testament heroes who “escaped the edge of the sword” by faith (Heb. 11:34). Listen to the encouragement of the apostle who told us we are “more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). Are you a Christian (Acts 11:26, 22:16)? If not, why not? You stand exposed and in peril every day from Satan (I Pet. 5:8). This is your chance for true protection from Satan’s onslaught (Eph. 6:13-18) and preparation for a better life to come (Jn. 10:10). Don’t delay in becoming a Christian, though (Heb. 3:7-8, 15; II Cor. 6:2; Acts 16:30-34)!

 No doubt, it was a comfort for those gathered at the wedding to see a sword on the thigh of soldiers in Solomon’s Song, but greater than this is the comfort of the Christian who knows he is on God’s side and his soul is safe (Matt. 10:28, 16:26; Mk. 16:16)!

- Jarrod M. Jacobs