

““Your Name Is Like Perfume.””

Categories: Authority, Bible, Daily Living, Expository Study, Husbands, Jesus Christ, Love, Name, New Testament, Old Testament, Peace, Salvation, Solomon, Song of Solomon, Wives

            Song of Solomon 1:3 contains the Shulammite’s words when she says her future husband’s name is “as ointment poured forth” (KJV). Other versions record this as his name is, “as perfume running out” (ASV), “spreading perfume” (CEV),  “sweeter than the best perfume” (ERV), “perfume poured out” (ISV), and “the finest perfume” (NET).

            In the immediate context, is this not the way of those in love? To mention his name (or her name) is to mention something that warms the heart and excites the senses. Just as sweet as perfume is the name of this person to the one in love. The context of Song of Solomon 1:3 concerns those not yet married. The excitement and thrill of those “dating” or “engaged” are wonderful to experience and witness in others. At the same time, who says such passion and delight must end with the passing of years? Husbands and wives, how does the name of your spouse sound to you today? Is it still as sweet or sweeter than when first mentioned years ago? If not, why not? May the excitement and joy at hearing your beloveds name continue as long as you live! May the “perfume” and “sweetness” in the name increase as the years continue. No doubt, this would be the intention of the Shulammite, and it ought to be our intention today with our beloved spouse.

            In this verse, I also see an application that can be made to the Christian and Christ. After all, Christ’s name is better than all names. His authority is higher than all authority (Matt. 28:18; Acts 4:12). He is “Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6). Indeed, the sound of His name to us ought to be better and sweeter than all perfume. Paul states that at the name of Christ, “every knee” will bow (Phil. 2:10). His power is greater than anything of man’s devising (Col. 3:17). Therefore, we need to turn to Him for comfort, strength, and salvation. Let us also look to Him in anticipation to one day hear the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21, 23)!

            How is this a possibility for us? It is possible when we believe in Jesus as the Son of God (Jn. 8:32). He is more than a mere man, more than a prophet, more than a religious leader. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords (I Tim. 6:15)! He is the Son of God who loved us and died as a sacrifice for our sins! Believe in Him, repent of your past sins (Lk. 13:3), confess His wonderful name as the Son of God (Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:10), and be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). When we do this, and we live for Christ, truly, His name will sound sweeter than all, and will be better to us than any perfume, for we recognize that it is Christ who is our Savior, who loves us, and who wants us to be with him in eternity in Heaven! What a beautiful thought and what a beautiful name!

- Jarrod M. Jacobs