

“The Truth In Three Languages”

Categories: Bible, Daily Living, Gospel

The Truth Written In Three Languages

Jarrod Jacobs

            Four times in New Testament Scripture we read about the written statement that Pilate wrote and placed above Christ when He hung on the cross. (Matt. 27:37; Mk. 15:26; Lk. 23:38; Jn. 19:19). The statement over Him declared that it was “The King of the Jews” being crucified that day. While the chief priests protested this statement, demanding that Pilate instead write, “This man said, I am the King of the Jews”, Pilate stood firm saying, “What I have written, I have written” (Jn. 19:21-22).

            In studying this event, we see that the inscription was written in three languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. This is significant, for regardless of who might have been present that day in Jerusalem, those who looked upon Christ on the cross could have read the writing. Why was this statement written in those three languages so significant? Please consider the following:

  • The Hebrew language was the language of revelation. God’s word had come to the world through the Hebrew people up to this time (Genesis-Malachi).
  • The Greek language was the language of the philosophers and “great thinkers” of the day such as Plato and Aristotle.
  • The Latin language was the language of government and power. This is the language that Caesar and Pilate, as well as others, spoke within the Roman government.

            Therefore, this writing posted above Christ on the cross was a world-wide announcement! When we with our mind’s eye look to the cross, we see a Suffering Savior who was pronounced as “King of the Jews” by the Roman governor Pilate, to the population of the entire world!

            In truth, we see that Pilate’s writing had a greater meaning than perhaps even he realized. What do we mean by this? Consider once more the statement written in the languages of revelation, philosophy, and power. Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ is the embodiment of these things. For example, we see that Christ being the embodiment of the Word (Jn. 1:1) shows us that He is God’s revelation. In “times past” God spoke to men in various ways, but now speaks to us today through his Son (Heb. 1:1-2; Matt. 17:5).

            In addition to this, Christ is also able to discern the uttermost thoughts of men’s hearts (Jn. 2:24-25, 6:64). This makes Him greater than any philosopher on earth. His doctrine is the greatest philosophy ever revealed! Third, Jesus Christ is revealed as the lawgiver (Jas. 4:12; Gal. 6:2). He revealed “the perfect law of liberty” (Jas. 1:25); that which will lead us to Heaven. No one before or since has been able to accomplish or give as much as Christ.

            Pilate may not have realized how true and far-reaching his writing was when he wrote it. Yet, the statement is still true! Today, we who are Christians had our sins forgiven when we accepted Christ’s terms of salvation (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; etc.). At the same time, we who are His children are the recipients of God’s blessings (Eph. 1:3) when we listen to the revelation, apply His true philosophies, and obey His law (Eph. 3:4; Rev. 1:5, 22:14)! If we want to have salvation from sin and look forward to an eternal life in Heaven, then let us stop rejecting the Lord. Let us follow what the Lord says unconditionally, knowing that He is the One who possesses all authority “in heaven and in earth” (Matt. 28:18; Col. 3:17). He is our king (Rev. 17:14, 19:16; I Tim. 6:15), and wants us in Heaven with Him.