

“A Second Chance”

Categories: Daily Living, Repent

A Second Chance

Jarrod Jacobs

                   When growing up, many of us remember being offered “second chances.” Little children play games, and sometimes say, “do-over!” I think about second chances when I think of that beloved “delete” key that is attached to my computer! How many times I have needed a “do over” in writing, and found the “delete” key a welcome sight! In fact, computers have an option called “undo” where we can go back to an earlier version of our document. In many aspects of life, it seems we can have second chances.

                   Yet, are we really providing people with “second chances” when we speak of a “do over”, an “undo” option, or a “delete” key? In truth, we cannot re-live and readjust the mistakes made in life.  We cannot go back in time and relive the past so as to not make the mistake we made. The best we can do in such cases as a “do-over” is to reenact the event and change the mistake! Whether we speak of sporting events, computer work, etc., the best we can do is pretend like the mistake did not happen, for we all recognize that it happened! Time moves in only one direction, so man cannot truly go back and offer people a “second chance.”

                   Yet, unlike the examples above, we see that in Christ, we truly have a second chance! This is because in Christ, we can have forgiveness of sins. In such forgiveness, it is not merely “pretending” that a sin has not occurred and retracing our steps so as to avoid the sin. In the case of forgiveness, Christ actually will erase the guilt of sin and make the filthy sinner clean! This is what Peter taught when he told the Jews, “Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...” (Acts 3:19). Isaiah said, “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they shall become as wool” (Isa. 1:18). Yes, Christ is the only One who can truly offer people a “second chance”!

                   Christ came into the world, and by the shedding of His blood, offers a way by which man can be saved and free from the guilt of sin (Matt. 26:26; Rev. 1:5). Does this action erase a man’s history? By no means! Sins (acts contrary to God’s will, I Jn. 3:4; Jas. 4:17) have been committed by man (Rom. 3:23). Yet, Christ is willing to forgive us and will erase the guilt of our sin when we accept His conditions for forgiveness in loving faith and obedience (Mk. 16:16). Christ allows us a true “second chance”!

                   There is a reason why Christ calls being born into His kingdom being “born again” (Jn. 3:3, 5; I Pet. 1:23). It is because in Christ we have an opportunity to truly start afresh, and begin again. Having been baptized into Christ, our sins are washed away, our guilt is no longer over us, and we become “as white as snow”! Truly, Christ offers a “second chance,” but we need to take advantage of His offer while we still can (II Cor. 6:2)!

                   No man can offer what Christ offers us; because with man, we are only pretending! No one can truly go back in time. However, Christ offers us true forgiveness, true pardon, and “newness of life” (Rom. 6:3-4)!

                   How thankful I am for a “delete” key on the computer! Only God Himself knows how many mistakes I have made on this short document! Yet, I am even more grateful for God sending His Son to die for me (Jn. 3:16). Through Him, I can have true forgiveness, a real “second chance” and a home in Heaven!