

“Spotlight On A Bible Verse: Acts 5:29”

Categories: Authority, Bible, Daily Living, God, Obedience

Spotlight On A Bible Verse: Acts 5:29

                   “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” After having been imprisoned and threatened by the Sanhedrin for preaching the gospel of Christ, the apostles’ response was that they would obey God rather than men. What bravery and what boldness! What attitude do we have when facing those who do not want to hear the truth? How will we act when friends, family, and others want us to “tone it down” and not be so “judgmental” in their way of thinking? Regardless of what others say, we need to obey God rather than men. When the day comes that being a Christian is illegal, we must still obey God rather than men, just as the apostles did in the first century! Where is our allegiance?

- Jarrod Jacobs