

“Changing The Label Makes Sin More Dangerous”

Categories: Daily Living, Sin

“Changing The Label Makes Sin More Dangerous”

                   “One of America’s great needs is to recognize sin for what it is. We are too prone to explain it away, or to soften its horrors.

                   “Wilbur Chapman tells of a distinguished minister who preached on sin, and one of the leading members came to talk to him in his study. He said to the preacher, “We don’t want you to talk so plainly about sin, because the more our boys and girls hear you talking about sin the more easily they will become sinners. Call sin a mistake if you will, but do not speak so plainly about it being just plain outright sin.”

                   “The preacher took down a small bottle from the shelf marked “POISON” and showed it to the visitor. It was a bottle of strychnine. He said, “I see what you want me to do. You want me to change the label. Now, suppose I took off this label marked ‘Poison’ on this bottle, and put on some mild label, such as ‘Oil of Anise,’ don’t you see what happens? The milder you make the label, the more dangerous you make the poison!”

                   “And so it is with sin. It is hideous and horrible and no amount of whitewashing will change the picture. It must be branded for what it really is if we are to escape its blighting devastation.”

                   Note: The article above was written by someone unknown to me. However, it makes a great point that we would do well to take to heart. (Rom. 6:23)                 – Jarrod Jacobs