

“Lessons From Naaman (#4)”

Categories: Bible, Expository Study

Learning Lessons From Naaman The Leper (#4)

Jarrod Jacobs

               As we study II Kings 5:1-14, let us remember that the key to Naaman’s cleansing was a young girl who told Naaman’s wife about Elisha. We have learned that it was not money that cleansed Naaman, nor was he cleansed of his leprosy when he went to the king rather than Elisha. Unfortunately, people today will try to calm their souls through worldly pursuits, and inevitably fail (I Pet. 1:18-19; I Tim. 6:10). Others will try to involve themselves in denominational organizations rather than the Lord’s church. This too fails because the Lord established only one church. We are not allowed by God to “choose” the church we like the best (Matt. 16:18; Rom. 16:16).

            In II Kings 5:8, Elisha sends for Naaman. The reason: “Let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel.” How would Naaman know? Would he know merely because Elisha introduced himself as a prophet? No! Naaman would know there is a prophet in Israel because Elisha was going to heal him. Elisha was a man of action!

            In like manner, friends, let us understand that we are known by what we do. Men can “say” many things, but it is in their behavior that we see what one truly is! Our behavior and speech are a direct reflection of what is in our minds (Prov. 4:23; Matt. 15:18-20). Are you a godly person or not? One can say “Yes,” but the truth is seen in how one conducts him/herself daily! This determines whether or not one is godly. Are we acting in a way that pleases God? What do people see when they observe how we act and speak (Matt. 7:16-20)? Do our actions match our speech? Are we hypocrites? Friend, you are known by what you do!