

Character Study

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Repairing The Walls

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Nehemiah chapter three is one of those chapters that we are prone to skip over because of all of the names. I pray that you don't do this in your reading. As we read and apply the text to our lives today (Rom. 15:4), whether or not we pronounce the names correctly isn't the point. The point is to understand what was happening and how this affected the nation of Judah.

First, we see that when Nehemiah encouraged the people to “build up the wall of Jerusalem,” the people responded by saying, “let us rise up and build” (Neh. 2:17-18)! Nehemiah three records that these people were more than just “talk”! They went into action! They didn’t allow days and months to go by before they started. They started repairing the walls immediately!

A second thing we see is that these people did the work in pieces that could be handled by each respective family. One family didn’t rebuild one-half of the wall or take on more than they could handle. Each family took a section that they could handle and began the work! There was much to do, and as the old saying goes, “Many hands make for light work.” This was the case here. All the people united in a common goal and made the work much easier to handle.

Nehemiah 3:12 mentions the fact that Shallum’s daughters worked with their father to help rebuild the walls. I think this is significant. These daughters deserve special praise for the work they did in helping to finish a job that God wanted them to do.

I hope that these statements will stir our minds to make applications to ourselves. No, we don’t have a wall to rebuild, but we do have work to do in God’s kingdom (I Cor. 15:58). We have daily work that needs to be done, and we need to make the effort! It’s one thing to “talk” about what needs to be done in the Lord’s kingdom, and it’s quite another thing to do it (Jas. 2:18-26)! Examine yourself, friend. Are you active in the Lord’s service, or are you just good at pointing out what needs to be done? Don’t be like the Pharisees (Matt. 23:3-4)!

Similarly, let’s remember that we all have work to do in the Lord’s kingdom (Gal. 6:9). It’s not laid at the feet of the preacher or elders or deacons alone. Yes, these men have work to be done in God’s kingdom just as everyone else does! We mustn’t shirk our duties, though, thinking someone else will do them. Our lack of action may be the point of weakness that Satan needs to tear down and destroy a life, or a family, or a church! Don’t be the weak link!

Just as Shallum’s daughters went out and worked as the sons did, let’s remember that in Christ, we are all one (Gal. 3:28). Yes, we have different roles to fulfill at times, but everyone who is a child of God is loved and respected by God and needs to be busy in His work! Far from being misogynistic, Paul speaks highly of his sisters in Christ. Let’s encourage our sisters and our brothers in the Lord to do the work God demands.

You won’t get out of this world alive, but you can leave this world ready for the next. Are you ready (II Cor. 6:2)? What do you need to do to get ready (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38)? Do as the Jews in Nehemiah’s day did (Neh. 3). Stop wasting time and get busy with the Lord’s work!

- Jarrod M. Jacobs

Nehemiah: The King's Cupbearer

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Only once in the book of Nehemiah does he refer to his work in the king’s court. Nehemiah does not have a “regular” job. His job is exceptional because, among other things, it places him in the king’s presence daily. He has been bestowed with a very honorable and trusted position. To be the king’s cupbearer is equivalent to being his food-taster! To work in this capacity means he could be trusted with the king’s life! R.A. Torrey describes it this way, “The office of cup-bearer was one of great trust, honour, and emolument, in the Persian court. To be in such a place of trust he must have been in the king's confidence; for no eastern potentate would have a cup-bearer to whom he could not trust his life, poison being often administered in that way. It was an office much desired, because it gave access to the king in those seasons of hilarity when men are most disposed to grant favours” (Treasury of Scripture Knowledge).

The term “cupbearer” is not found anywhere else in the Bible, but we see a description of the same work when we read about the “chief butler” who worked for the Pharaoh in the book of Genesis. We remember that while in prison, he had a dream about doing his job. Notice how closely this resembles the work of a cupbearer (Gen. 40:9-13). Again, this was a position of trust. This trust would mean something when the chief butler finally remembers Joseph after two years and refers him to the Pharaoh as a man capable of interpreting his dreams (Gen. 41:9-14).

A cupbearer had access to the king daily and was considered to have the king’s favor. Thus, when the king notices the look of sadness on Nehemiah’s face (2:2), it was a genuine concern that prompted the king to ask why Nehemiah was sad. He was a loyal subject, and the king was concerned. Further, as we read chapter two, and learn how the king granted Nehemiah’s request to leave and for the supplies he would need in travel, we see that this was a man ready to help a trusted servant. Indeed, a man whom he can trust with his life can be trusted with the work Nehemiah proposes to do in Jerusalem (Neh. 2:6-9)!

In thinking about this event, let us look into God’s mirror (Jas. 1:22-25). Are you a person that can be trusted by others? Can God trust you? Why or why not? Trust is a precious and valuable thing. It is hard to acquire and easy to break. Who among us wants to be considered untrustworthy?

There is an old saying that trust is earned, and this is correct. How is it obtained? We learn to trust others as we hear their words, and as we observe what they do. What has God seen in you? Are you showing yourself to be a trustworthy disciple of the Lord (Jn. 8:31-32)? Are you faithful in your actions (I Cor. 15:58; Rev. 2:10)? If not, why not? We have the opportunity to serve Someone more magnificent than the king of Persia! We can serve the King of Kings (I Tim. 6:15)! Are you going to take up that work? Become a Christian today and make the decision you will never regret (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38)!

- Jarrod M. Jacobs

God Will Not Allow The Wicked To Continue

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

In our world, it seems that the wicked have the advantage. People have observed this fact for millennia (Ps. 73:1-16). Though the wicked seem to prosper and the righteous do not, God assures us that this is not the case. Solomon wrote, “Be assured that the evil person will not be unpunished” (Prov. 11:21, NET).

The book of Ecclesiastes declares a similar truth. Solomon said, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God” (Ecc. 8:12-13).

In the book of Esther, it seemed that wicked Haman was going to prosper. It looked like his plan for killing Mordecai, and the Jews could not be thwarted (Est. 3-7). Even after his death, his law was still in motion! Since he had used the king’s ring to seal the law, it seemed nothing could stop it. In Esther 8-9, however, we find Esther, Mordecai, and even the king acting quickly to try to stop Haman’s evil plan. At first, it seemed that the wicked might win. Thankfully, God had other plans! The law of Esther and Mordecai won (Est. 9:2-3)! God will not allow the wicked to continue. Those who obey God’s plans will be blessed.

Let us learn a lesson from this great queen and her godly cousin (Rom. 15:4). Satan and wicked people might seem to have the advantage at times, but rest assured, they will lose (Ps. 37:1-3). God will not allow the wicked to continue. If you are not sure about this, look at the life of Christ. Though He was harassed and mistreated by His enemies to the point of death (Matt. 27:35, 50); it is He who resurrected from the dead and overcame Satan (Gen. 3:15).

The apostles and other early Christians also suffered much at the hands of men (Acts 5:40; II Cor. 11:23-28; etc.). Wicked people had killed all of the apostles except John. Yet, the Lord’s church has thrived and prospered for the last 2000 years! Today, we remember the words and deeds of the apostles, and the enemies have been lost to history! Take heart that the Lord will not allow the wicked to continue. Besides the consequences they face on earth, the Judgment Day is coming for them (Matt. 25:46)!

Stay strong and continue to serve God while you live. It will be worth it (Rom. 8:18; II Cor. 4:17)! “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9).

- Jarrod M. Jacobs

How Soon Do We Act To Correct Our Errors?

Monday, January 27, 2020

Haman signed and put the royal ring on an edict that demanded the death of the Jewish people (Est. 3). The riders given the message were made to hurry and proclaim it far and wide. What were the people to do (Est. 3:15)? When we read the book of Esther, we know what happened. We remember what Esther did and how she finally revealed her heritage to her husband in the hope that he might stop the slaughter (Est. 7:3-6).

Though Haman was executed for his crime (Est. 7:10), this did not stop the edict from being enforced. Something had to be done! Sadly, nothing could reverse the first law (Est. 8:8), but they could write another to counteract the first. This is what Mordecai did (8:8-14)! What impresses me is that when the second law was written, the king’s royal horses, the swiftest he had, were used by the riders once more. They had a message to spread as quickly as possible, and they used every effort to get this message out (8:17).

Not everyone acts like this. Many people try to hide their errors to keep from being found out. They believe it is in their best interest to hide, lie, and cover up the errors in any way they can and hope no one notices. The problem with this plan is summed up well in Numbers 32:23, “Be sure your sin will find you out.”

Jesus taught His followers that if they have a fault with someone, they need to find that person and get it resolved (Matt. 5:23-24, 18:15). I am impressed with the fact that Jesus’ words show urgency. Matthew 5 shows us that He thought it more important to be reconciled in this case than to offer a gift at the altar. Why? How can we claim to love the God we haven’t seen if we hold hatred for our brother that we have seen (I Jn. 4:20)?

When it comes to sin against a brother or just a personal sin known only to God, let us determine to correct this as quickly as possible. Be like Ahasuerus, who sent out his fastest horses. Let us act as promptly as we can. We never know what a day may bring (Prov. 27:1)! Therefore, we never know when we may never have a chance to correct our wrongdoing! Our life may be taken, the one we wronged may lose his life. Something else might happen that changes our ability to make corrections. It may be the passing of time that does it! Consider the fact that if Ahasuerus and Mordecai waited too long to send out the edict that counteracted the first one, it would be a worthless piece of paper! It was only valid so long as it got through the kingdom before the twelfth month and thirteenth day (Est. 3:13).

If you had something to send out as Ahasuerus did, would you move quickly? What about when you are dealing with matters that could very well send your soul to Hell? Do you think this demands urgency? Do you believe this demands working quickly to get things resolved with God and your fellow man? How fast are you working to correct errors in your life? Don’t put this off because tomorrow may be too late!

- Jarrod M. Jacobs

Is God In Vegas (or Shushan)?

Sunday, January 26, 2020

My wife recently reminded me of an old television commercial where the tagline was: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” The point of the ad was that if people came to Las Vegas, they could be free to do what they wanted without any guilt. It is as if the people were saying that God isn’t in Las Vegas (Ps. 139:7-12), or He cannot see what we are doing there (Prov. 15:3)! Las Vegas was giving people a “license to sin!”

It concerns me when I hear about Christians who think that taking a vacation means taking a vacation from being a Christian as well. Some Christians have been known to go to another county or another state to engage in sin. They think they are “safe” from “prying eyes” if they go somewhere that no one knows them. Of course, they are just fooling themselves because, as we noted above, there is nowhere they can go that God is not there and sees them!

It is for this reason that people like Joseph and Daniel, as well as women like Vashti and Esther, stand out to me. They stand out because Vashti and Esther lived in the King’s palace. They could justify any behavior they wanted by referring to where they lived, or by saying, “The King made me do it. I had no choice!” Yet, these two ladies, just as the others named, did not use their location as an occasion for sin!

When Vashti was called into the King’s presence, she did not yield to her husband’s drunken demands (Est. 1:10-12). She could have easily justified sin by saying, “The King has called me,” but she didn’t. We do not know Vashti’s origin, but we know she had morals and was not going to compromise them for anyone. Where she lived made no difference to her! Right was right, and wrong was wrong.

Esther did not allow fear to overcome her (Est. 4:16-7:10). We know she was raised well under the guidance of her cousin, Mordecai (Est. 2:5-7). Yet, when she was brought into the King’s palace, she did not allow her location to hold her back from speaking when she needed to speak up for her people! She had the opposite issue from Vashti, in that the King had not called for her for a month (4:11). She might have justified her silence by saying, “I can’t go until he calls me, and so there is no point in trying. No one will know if I spoke to the King or not, anyway.” These ladies knew they had responsibilities. The God of Heaven is in Shushan, just like He is in Jerusalem, and He must be respected!

What excuses do we make to justify our sins? Do we justify our sins based upon where we are and who saw or didn’t see us? Remember, God sees all of humanity and knows our hearts (Heb. 4:12-13). We are not going to get away with sin just because we did it out of town! Don’t fool yourself into thinking that godliness only applies at home! Take a lesson from Vashti, Esther, Daniel, Joseph, and so many others who served God faithfully even when they were away from home.

- Jarrod M. Jacobs

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