

“"What Makes Life Fulfilling?"”

Categories: Alcohol, Authority, Covetous, Daily Living, Ecclesiastes, Expository Study, God, Jesus Christ, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Solomon

                   Solomon, the wisest man to walk the earth (I Kings 4:30-31) offers us advice today. He records that he had tried it all, but the best that the world had to offer was still not enough (Ecc. 2:11). I find it interesting that when we read Ecclesiastes 2:1-12, Solomon fell into the same trap we today are prone to fall.

                   Solomon said he tried laughter (2:2), wine (2:3), buildings (2:5-6), possessions (2:7-10), entertainment (2:8), and sensual pleasure with his concubines (2:8), and it all brought him to one conclusion -- it was worthless (2:11-12)! In reading this section, I find it interesting that Solomon’s choices are the same ones the world today holds up to us as measurements of success. Think about it. If you are to be “successful” by the world’s standards:

  • Live by the motto: “If it feels good, do it.” When it stops feeling good, then stop doing it and do something else.
  • Be sophisticated and drink alcohol.
  • Build things so there is some “monument” or “legacy” when you are gone.
  • Be entertained.
  • Make sure and engage in sensual/sexual pleasure without concern for marriage.
  • Stockpile all of the goods and possessions that you can. Money equals happiness!

                   If the world’s standard means happiness, why was Solomon so sure this was a waste of his time on earth? Why wasn’t Solomon happy? In like manner, why are there so many successful people who are miserable today? Koheleth (the Preacher) calls the future generations together to say that; actually, this is not what brings happiness or joy to life (Ecc. 2:11-12)!

                   Friend, let us learn a lesson from the Preacher and get our priorities straight (Matt. 6:33). Jesus has a better way. He reminds us, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth” (Lk. 12:15). Contrast Ecclesiastes 2 with Hebrews 11:32-40. God says that the world was not “worthy” of those prophets and folks who dwelled in deserts, mountains, and caves, not in men’s palaces. What made the difference? Study this and learn that this difference made all the difference!

                   Fulfillment in life does not come with “things,” but with what is intangible (II Cor. 4:18). Preparation for Heaven, stockpiling treasure in Heaven is far greater than the treasure we might amass on earth (Matt. 6:19-21). Where is your treasure, friend? Where is your heart? Solomon lived a life of opulence and found it all empty. His words and life stand as an object lesson for us. Are we willing to listen and learn? Let’s get our priorities straight and have a fulfilled life in Christ. If you’re not a Christian, then become one while you can (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38). If you have already done this, then stay faithful (Rev. 2;10). Lay up your true treasure in Heaven.

- Jarrod M. Jacobs