

“The Deceit Of Alcohol”

Categories: Alcohol, Daily Living

“The Deceit Of Alcohol”

Jarrod Jacobs 

                   The consumption of alcohol is a rampant problem in our world. In fact, drinking alcoholic drinks has become a “way of life” for many. In our society, young and old are encouraged to drink alcohol. This is done irrespective of the dangers associated with alcohol. The dangers include destroying the body, the failure of marriages, losing a job, loss of money, etc. In addition to this is the very real danger of self-deceit.

                   The Bible warns us about alcohol on many occasions. Solomon said, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler: and whoever is led astray by it is not wise” (Prov. 20:1). In addition to this, Proverbs 23:29-35 explains the results of drinking alcohol in great detail. People who justify drinking alcohol are deceiving themselves! With all the harm alcohol can do to a person, perhaps deception is the worst harm it brings! So long as one has deceived himself by denying the true reason for his troubles, he will continue to drink and ruin his physical health, his family, his life, and worst of all, he will jeopardize his soul!

                   We know one jeopardizes his soul in the drinking of alcohol when we read passages like I Peter 4:3-4. Peter equates all aspects of alcohol consumption (excess of wine, revellings, banquetings) with “lasciviousness, lusts … abominable idolatries … excess of riot”! Truly, we have deceived ourselves when we treat the drinking of alcohol as “nothing”. Alcohol will maim and destroy. Yes, the consumption of alcohol will jeopardize our souls. Stay away from it (Prov. 23:31)!