

“"I Cast My Vote"”

Categories: Daily Living

“I Cast My Vote”

Jarrod Jacobs 

            In this country, we are familiar with voting for certain candidates, amendments, and the like. In the Bible, we see where Paul also cast a “vote”. Acts 26:10 records that Paul spoke to Agrippa about his life before becoming a Christian and said it was his “voice” (KJV) or his “vote” (ASV, ESV, RSV, etc.) that helped condemn Christians to death. There is a connection in the words “voice” and “vote”, for certainly one is “speaking” and rendering a choice through one’s votes.

            Friend, which way are you “voting”? I do not speak of political parties, but am asking what you favor. Is your life showing that you favor the Lord or Satan? You see, these are our two choices! We are either for the Lord or against Him (Matt. 12:30). We must choose. In our speech, actions, and even our thoughts, we are making a choice, and thus “voting” daily. Who will we follow?

            In the long ago, God told His people, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” (Deut. 30:19). He wanted His people to make a choice. In like manner, we have to choose today whom we will serve (Josh. 24:15). What decision will it be? Paul voted at one time and it was the wrong choice. Later, he changed his “vote”. What will you do? Make your choice today while you can (II Cor. 6:2).