

“Lies The Devil Tells (#3)”

Categories: Daily Living, Lies/Lying, Satan

Lies The Devil Tells

Jarrod Jacobs 

            Satan has many lies that he tells people (I Pet. 5:8). Let us study two more lies Satan tells us.

            Satan lies by telling us that we “deserve” this or that. In the beginning, Satan deceived Eve by planting that “seed” of a lie (Gen. 3:4-5). A host of sins are committed today because people think they “deserve” this or that. In truth, we ought to be thankful that we do not get what we deserve!

            We “deserve” separation from God (Isa. 59:1-2), not His fellowship (II Jn. 9). We “deserve” God’s wrath (Rom. 3:23), not His mercy (Jn. 3:16). We “deserve” dying in our sins, not Jesus dying for our sins (Matt. 20:28). Let us never get so high-minded as to think that what we have received from God is what we “deserve”!

            Another lie says, “It is for a good cause.” No, the end does not justify the means! Sin is still sin no matter what the reason! One of Satan’s most potent lies is getting men to justify sin by looking for a possible “good side.” The Bible teaches that folks were punished when they committed sin for a supposed “good cause” (II Sam. 6:6-7).

            Paul told the Romans that some had “slanderously reported” that he had said, “let us do evil that good may come” (Rom. 3:8). The end does not justify the means! When God reveals His will, He expects it to be followed exactly. We cannot make sin righteous by saying that sin was “for a good cause.” We are not at liberty to devise our own plans. Friend, do not fall for Satan’s lies!