

“Which Church Do I Choose?”

Categories: Church, God, Jesus Christ, Salvation, Worship

Which Church Do I Choose?

Jarrod Jacobs

            Have you noticed the “church listings” in newspapers? It is pretty confusing, isn’t it? The groups listed claim that what they are doing is approved of God. In considering the listings, one might ask such questions as, “Are all these churches right?” or, “Are all these churches wrong?” or, “Can anyone ever know the truth?”

            Since these groups wear different names and teach conflicting doctrines many times, we know they all cannot be right. All of them cannot be right any more than 2+2 can equal anything other than 4! 2+2 = 4 and can only equal 4. If we took a poll and asked people their “feelings” about what 2+2 equals, it would not change the fact that it equals 4! Therefore, which church is right? This is not determined by what I like. Nor is it determined by which church is “popular” or “big”. It is not determined by which church has been in the area the longest. The way we can know which church is right is revealed in the Bible.

            The church approved of God is the one that adheres to Bible doctrine, not merely in word, but in practice (I Pet. 4:11; I Thess. 1:3). It is the one that wears Christ’s name (Rom. 16:16) and worships God “in spirit and in truth” (Jn. 4:24; Acts 2:42, 20:7; I Cor. 16:1-2). It is the one that promotes Christ and His word above everything (Rom. 1:16; Gal. 1:6-9; II Tim. 4:2; Col. 3:17). It preaches the Bible plan for salvation (Acts 2:36-38). With these things in mind, let me encourage our dear readers to put down the “church listings” and pick up a Bible and choose the church of God’s choice (Acts 20:28; Matt. 16:18)!


  1. Not always a clear choice. I love the preaching at the "Churches of Christ" the best; however, I have found that not all "Churches of Christ" are perfect either. In fact, none are in my opinion. So, I think we are forced to attend many churches in order to find those who come closest to ALL the teachings in the Bible. There are matters of opinion on some issues, and those elders who "demand" that Christians adhere to "their" opinion "at the time" are causing some Christians to stumble.

    by Pamela Riddick on May 29, 2015 at 11:07am.