

“Changing Names Doesn't Change Sin”

Categories: Bible, Sin

Changing Names Doesn’t Change Sin

Jarrod Jacobs

            Calling a poor person “economically challenged” instead of poor does not change his financial standing, does it? Referring to someone as “vertically challenged” instead of “short” has not added “a cubit to his stature” (Matt. 7:27; Lk. 12:25) has it? We live in a time in which many people prefer such descriptions instead of speaking plainly and clearly.

            Spiritually, if you call one a “good ol’ boy just wanting to have a good time” instead of a sinner, has that changed his spiritual standing in the sight of God? By no means! One who is a sinner is separated from God, and stands to lose his soul if he dies in that condition (Isa. 59:1-2; Rom. 6:23). There is nothing “good” or enjoyable about that at all, regardless of the sin in which one is engaged (drunkenness, homosexuality, drugs, unscriptural marriages, lying, etc.)!

            The Caneyville church of Christ allows the Bible to speak candidly, and clearly about one’s spiritual condition (I Pet. 4:11). Who could ask for anything better than that? Just speak as the Bible speaks! Paul taught the necessity of using “great plainness of speech” (II Cor. 3:12). This was because of the hope promised to those in Christ, as well as the torment promised to those outside of Christ (I Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:8). God wants none to perish (II Pet. 3:9). Therefore, all men need to know, not that they’re “good ol’ boys” and given a wink and a smile, but that their eternal soul rests on the decisions made today.

            Make the right decision and become a Christian today before it is too late (Mk. 16:16; II Cor. 6:2).