

“Excuses Are Not Erasers!”

Categories: Daily Living, Salvation

Excuses Are Not Erasers!

Jarrod Jacobs

            How many times have we had to listen to folks make excuses for why they did or did not do something? In fact, it is almost a national obsession to excuse ourselves by blaming others for our mistakes! This attitude, unfortunately, is nothing new.

            Consider Adam and Eve. They are the world’s first excuse-makers. After they had sinned, Adam blamed Eve (and God, Gen. 3:12), and Eve blamed the serpent (Gen. 3:13) for their sin. Yes, Satan presented the temptation, but yielding to that temptation was a decision they made on their own. They were responsible for their sin and no one else! They were guilty, and their excuses did not make the act any less sinful.

            When King Saul sinned by offering the sacrifice that Samuel was supposed to do, he offered many excuses for his sin. He said the people were scattering, that Samuel was late in arriving to offer the sacrifice, and that the Philistines were gathering for war and he feared they would attack before the sacrifice to God had been offered (I Sam. 13:11-12). Yet, for all of his excuses, that did not stop God from punishing him for his sin (I Sam. 13:14).

            When people offer excuses for their sins today, that does not erase the guilt of sin from their souls. The only thing that can do this is the blood of Christ (Rev. 1:5). We come in contact with the cleansing effects of that blood when we are baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38, 22:16). Friend, stop making excuses and come to Christ and have your sins cleansed (blotted out, Acts 3:19). Have Christ erase them today!